September 27, 2021 at 12:02 p.m.
Letter to the Editor

The True American Patriot Is Waking Up!

Letter To The Editor
The True American Patriot Is Waking Up!
The True American Patriot Is Waking Up!

Each individual is entitled to their opinion as I am entitled to mine.

Be clear.... I did not like the Trump tweets or the ugly name calling; however, I did prefer his policies and the platform he campaigned on as opposed to Biden.

In approximately 10 weeks, I will be 76 years old and I have followed Biden’s political career and because of his “do nothing” 50 year political career, I could not in good consequence vote for a man who had earned the reputation of being a pathological liar.  This is common knowledge and the lying started very early in his life... plagiarized in school... lied about having 3 degrees.... lied about graduating at the top of his law class... also lied when he said he did not have any knowledge of his son Hunter Biden’s shady dealings with Russia, China, Ukraine, and other foreign/communist countries.  Just google Tony Bobulinski, the Biden ex-business partner of the Biden’s and he will tell you about the Biden family. 

I knew Biden had had two brain aneurysms... one which had to be surgically removed from his brain which apparently has left him with cognitive issues.  His cognitive issues are obvious when he forgets in what state he is in or he wonders off the sidewalk into the grass and a security agent had to direct him back to the sidewalk ... and on one occasion when he was speaking at one of the few rallies he held when he finished his speech he just stood there as if he was lost and his wife Jill walked back toward him and called his name twice.. he turned to look at her and she motion for him to follow her.  Then of course there was the incident where he was taking the steps to Air Force 1 and stumbled up the steps ... not once but three times. President Biden rarely takes questions from the press and when he does he takes out a piece of paper and says... “they” gave me this with the names of the ones I am suppose to call on for questions.  On other occasions after Biden has addressed the public he will say, “they” told me not to take questions ...he turns his back and walks away...  I find that very concerning.  Who is really the POTUS??? 

You do know that Trump was laughed at and made fun of by many top democratic officials and by the liberal news networks when he announced he was a candidate for the presidency.  The laughter and the mockery began with comments such as “He will never become President” and when he was elected President they could never accept it...they could not believe they lost... even today Hillary Clinton says the election was stolen from her.  The liberal news media outlets and the top democratic officials did not like eating “crow” so they immediately went to work and were obsessed with trying to get Trump out of office... for four long years they did nothing except bash and conduct investigation after investigation on Trump and those in his administration.  Of course it has been proven that Trump did not collude with the Russians as he was alleged to have done.  Just in the last few days the John Durham investigation has found several individuals involved with Hillary Clinton and her campaign to have lied to the FBI and they have been charged.. there are others to be charged as well.  The dirt they were pushing about Trump actually was fabricated. 

Are you beginning to get the picture ... can you not understand the frustration and anger the Trump supporters were feeling on January 6th... can you not realize their anger was a build up of four plus years of watching the person they voted for being lied about and dragged through the mud and continually referred to as an illegitimate president... can you not see that because of all this there are many who do not have any confidence at all in the election process.  Joseph Stalin, a communist, said this, “Those who cast the vote decide nothing.. those who count the votes decide everything.”  I would say there are millions who would agree with that quote by Stalin. 

Hillary Clinton admired Saul Alinsky and she appreciated his stance on many issues.   Here are two of Alinsky’s philosophies: 

  1. Control healthcare and you control the people. 
  2. Never let a crisis go to waste.  Folks does that sound familiar? 

Now here is a quote from Hillary Clinton...  “We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” Another quote by Joseph Stalin, a communist, “We do not let them have ideas.. why would we let them have guns”.  Here is another quote from a well known communist, Vladimir Lenin, “The goal of socialism is communism.” 

Is it becoming clearer and clearer to you why the American patriot is getting fed up with the nonsense that has been on display in many of our political leaders for a long, long time.... to many the Capitol building isn’t anything more than a pile of stone, mortar, concrete, wood., etc., .. just a building ...why do they feel that way?  It is because they have lost respect for those who walk the halls of that building.  The American people are not ignorant... they are well aware of the direction this country is headed.

Here are several other quotes for you to think about.

  1. “Generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties.” 
  2. “I think when you spread the wealth around it is good for everybody.”
  3. If they bring a knife to a fight then we will bring a gun.” 

Those three quotes are from former President Obama... sounds like something a Marxist socialist would say.  Let me say again.. The American people are not stupid!  Can you see and feel the anger building? 

January 6th was a build up of many years of watching the  hard working, taxpaying middle class being forgotten and deep down they knew Biden was only going to make that worse for them ... and this tax bill the Dems are pushing is only going to create a trickle down effect and hurt the middle class.. the rich have loopholes to avoid paying taxes so instead of raising the tax rate on the rich and corporations why doesn’t Biden do something about the loopholes that favor the rich????... CLOSE THEM!!!  There are all sorts of “free” government programs for the poor and what is there for the middle class??? They get nothing but taxes and more taxes.. not fair.  January 6th was not about overturning the election...they knew that was never going to happen... it was a buildup of years and years of anger and frustration and believing Biden, a career politician of 50 years who had a “do nothing political career record” would put into place  policies that would destroy our republic.. .. now look at the mess Biden has created and he has been in office only eight months... how he handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a complete debacle... gave the Taliban control of the perimeter around the Kabul Airport which ultimately cost the lives of 13 of our young military service members.... a southern border that is wide open and the Head of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, standing up and publicly saying the border is closed.. that is not true.... does he think the American people are stupid???  Illegals and foreigners are being treated better than many of this country’s legal citizens... Illegals given free food.. free housing... free health care.. free education.  The needs of the American citizens should be put first.

The liberal socialist are now pushing for CRT to be taught in our schools... this curriculum pits race against race and promotes hate.  No individual should be taught they are an oppressor and no individual should be made to feel they are a victim.  Why stir the pot of racism.., it seems that now when something happens no matter what it is there is someone crying racism... it is beyond disgusting.  Blacks are killing each other every week in democratic run cities such as Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and other large cities and there is silence.  You have a few bad cops  in a group of millions upon millions of good cops and people go absolutely crazy.

Are you finally getting the picture as to why there was an uprising of individuals who are totally... I repeat...  totally fed up with a group of government officials who openly display a “care less” attitude about the legal citizens of this country?

On and on I could go but enough is enough for now.

My comment is quite lengthy yet very simple to understand.  Thank you for taking the time to read my letter to the editor.  

Linda Chambers
Former Lincolnton Resident

---The views and opinions expressed in this “Letter to the Editor” are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Lincoln Herald.


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